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Get in touch

I do my best to respond within 48 hours. However, I, too, need to take some time off occasionally. If you are still waiting to hear from me after 48 hours, I might be taking some time off, and I will reply as soon as I can.

I do my best to respond within 48 hours. However, I, too, need to take some time off occasionally. If you are still waiting to hear from me after 48 hours, I might be taking some time off, and I will reply as soon as I can.

Thanks for submitting!

If you find yourself in an acute emotional crisis, please make an urgent appointment with your GP, or seek a mental health professional at your local A&E. 


In case of emergency, please call 999.


If you urgently need to talk to someone, you can also contact:


NHS Urgent Help for Mental Health


Online via GoogleMeet



By emailing

or using the contact form on this website


Tue - Fri: between 9 00am - 7pm

Fri: 9 00am - 1 00pm

Sat, Sun, Mon: Closed

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